Meritorious Service Awards

Criteria: this award is for a person who:

  • has been an active member of one or more Federation groups for at least 25 years.
  • has been active in productions either on stage, backstage, front of house or administratively all this time.

You can download the nomination form here.

You can download the list of previous winners here.

David Brockett Memorial Award for Backstage Achievement

(donated by the Brockett Family, 2010)


  • For theatre practitioners working backstage and/or front-of-house, including Designers.
  • The award is not limited to TheatreFest Productions, but any Society productions.
  • Presented annually at the TheatreFest National Finals.
  • Society nominates their person by due date, one month prior to National Finals, with covering letter and details of the nominee's work.
  • This award is for current practitioners, not a life-time achievement award as they are covered in other awards.
  • An NZTF Executive sub-committee selects the finalist (3 member panel).
  • If unsuccessful, individuals can be re-nominated again. Applications must be re-submitted annually. Winners not excluded from being re-nominated.
  • The nominee is not informed of their nomination.
  • Winner receives a Certificate for perpetuity, but the trophy is returned for the next recipient.

You can download the nomination form here.

Previous Winners

2010 Ross Foubister Khandallah Arts Theatre
2011 Annette Elkins Napier Repertory Players
2012 Rob Haines Pahiatua Repertory Society
2013 Peter Hurley Napier Repertory Players
2014 Tony Harvey Hutt Repertory Theatre
2015 Sue Miller Wellington Repertory
2016 Mark Perry Hamilton Playbox Repertory
2017 Alexander Southey Greytown Little Theatre
2023 Ian Harding Christchurch