If you wish to view this fullscreen in Google Maps, just follow this link: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/5/edit?mid=1b7WtiFhuQea_kHA7k9zY7QD_mrZViS8&usp=sharing

You can navigate around the map with your mouse, trackpad or mobile device.

Use the scroll wheel or pinch gesture to zoom in and out of the map.  Click and hold whilst moving the mouse or tap-drag to move around the map.  Click or tap on any dropped pin to reveal details of the location.

Location pin are:

 Theatre Group  Group pin
 Theatre Venue  Venue pin
 Theatre Supplier  Supplier pin
 Theatre Education  Education pin

If there is a location pin missing, details incorrect or no longer in existance, please follow the link to the form below to help us keep this map up-to-date.