Theatre New Zealand is registered with the Charities Commission under the Arts and Culture sector for education, training and research. Our activities involve being an umbrella organisation, to provide services and advice. Our beneficiaries are all members of the general public.

Membership of the Theatre New Zealand consists of Groups (100 in total stretching from Auckland to Invercargill, the length and breadth of Aotearoa-New Zealand, Individuals and Life Members.

The management of the affairs of the federation is entrusted to a National Executive consisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and 6 Executive Members all elected at the Annual General Meeting.

The National Executive promotes theatre in New Zealand by organising an annual National TheatreFest, annual playwriting competition, the recognition of excellence in service, supporting the provision of workshops, offering advice, liaising with cognitive bodies, issuing a bi-monthly newsletter and maintaining a website.

A copy of our Constitution can be viewed by clicking here.

A copy of our Certificate of Incorporation can be viewed by clicking here.