The Performance
- Presentations must have at least two performers on stage.
- Presentations must be under 50 minutes in length. Those going over time could be disqualified.
- There is no limit on how short a presentation can be.
- Scene changing during a presentation and opening and closing music, if used, must be included in this time limit.
- The timing of a presentation will be from when house lights go down at the beginning of the presentation to when the house lights come up at the end. (Any variance from this pattern must be clearly agreed to with the Stage Manager the day before the dress rehearsal ends).
- Each presentation will be allowed 10 minutes max. for setting up and 5 minutes max. for striking your presentation. (You’re not responsible for technical delays caused by factors beyond your control.)
- Presentations will be allocated time for a technical rehearsal at local and regional TheatreFest as well as ShowCase. This will be up to 60 minutes per presentation.
- Groups are responsible for obtaining all Performing Rights and making all Royalty payments in connection with their presentation at their Local and Regional TheatreFest.
- Theatre New Zealand will apply for Performance Rights and pay any Royalty fees (if applicable) for all TheatreFest ShowCase presentations.
- Performing Rights must be obtained before rehearsals begin and Royalties must be paid prior to performance. Proof that Performing Rights have been obtained and that Royalties have been paid, must accompany the TheatreFest Entry Form. Further clarification on Rights and Royalties can be sought from the TheatreFest Advisor.
- Where composite, cut or adapted versions of plays are presented, written permission from the Playwright or the Playwright’s Agent for such a presentation, must accompany the TheatreFest Entry Form.
- For plays obtained via the internet, copies of the web page authorising performances and/or cuts and adaptations must accompany the TheatreFest Entry Form.
- Each group/school will allow TNZ to publish images captured by our photo/video technician associated with a presentation as part of the TNZ archive and for promotion purposes associated with TNZ and TheatreFest.
APRA Music Licences
- If music is used within a presentation, groups/schools must check with APRA on whether a Licence is required.
- If a Licence is required from APRA for the use of music in a presentation, then proof of the APRA Music Licence must accompany the TheatreFest Entry Form.
- No APRA licence is required for playing music in the auditorium of a theatre, as the lights go down at the start of a production, during scene changes, during the interval, and after the final curtain or blackout of a production.
Payments to participants
Performers, including musicians, who are on stage as part of the performance, cannot receive remuneration, whether direct or indirect, for performing in any competitive theatrical production.
Directors & crew may be paid, but if paid cannot appear in the theatrical production.
Substitution of cast members
A team going forward to a Regional TheatreFest may substitute an actor if, for whatever reason, a cast member becomes unavailable to perform at that Regional TheatreFest.
Teams going forward to the ShowCase can only substitute an actor under exceptional circumstances and this can only be done in consultation with the TheatreFest Advisor.
Please Note. Once groups/schools have entered competitively they must ensure that all cast members are available to perform at all levels of TheatreFest; Local, Regional and Showcase.
Once a group/school have submitted their entry form they are required to email the TheatreFest Advisor a scanned copy of their script.
There is no censorship within the TheatreFest system. However, it is advised that if a theatrical production has scenes or language that may cause offence then a warning should be given in the programme.
Adjudication consists of:
- General comments from the stage to the teams and audience at local TheatreFest only.
- A more in-depth discussion with the group in the Green Room at Local TheatreFest only.
- At Regional Level there is a 15-minute discussion with the director and/or the team by Zoom.
- A written report at both Local and Regional TheatreFest.
- There is no adjudication of any kind at ShowCase.
Costs of entering TheatreFest
- Each group/school entering TheatreFest (both competitively and non-competitively) must be a member of TNZ – the Membership Fee for 2024 is $100
- TheatreFest Entry Fee: This is $120 per presentation entering competitively (a group or school can enter multiple theatrical productions for one membership fee, but each entry incurs the $120 entry fee)
- Groups may enter non-competitively where they only perform at the local TheatreFest and are not considered for selection to the next level.
- The entry fee pays for the adjudicators at two levels, Local and Regional and contributes towards the cost of administrating the Regional TheatreFests and ShowCase.
- It also includes one hour’s free guidance online on a subject of the groups choosing eg directing, scenography, devising, costuming, touring, creating websites.
- Performance and Music rights: Each group is responsible for making all Royalty payments in connection with their presentations.
- Each group/school is responsible for their own production and travel costs.
- If a group/school is unable to continue participating and withdraws after they have sent through their Entry Form, they are eligible for a refund but only if this is done before entries close.
- If a group/school withdraws after entries have closed, then they are not eligible for a refund.
Where a group or school finds the costs of membership or entry prohibitive TNZ will consider subsidies on application. Please contact the TheatreFest National Co-ordinator.
Technical Rehearsals
Each group/school is allocated up to 60 minutes technical rehearsal time to adjust their technical requirements to the local, regional or Showcase venue. It is advised that this should not be a full rehearsal of the presentation but a technical rehearsal.
The TheatreFest Organisers, at all levels, will provide groups with information on the venue’s stage setting, lighting and sound that will be available for that TheatreFest.
Providing special effects, specialist or additional settings, lighting and sound is the responsibility of each group. (If strobe lighting is used in a theatrical production, a warning must be printed in the programme.) Information about these must be provided to the TheatreFest Advisor when requested.
Technical rehearsals are to be used wisely, they are to rig lights, if necessary, run lighting cues, check entrances, and exits, and to assess the venues performance area for acoustics etc. Where possible, avoid doing a full run of the theatrical production.
The host venue is not responsible for providing furniture and props, these are the responsibility of each team.
A note for directors:
Make TheatreFest a positive experience – we all know directors ARE emotionally involved.
- Remember that the Director sets the tone.
- Always be positive with a cast especially regarding the format and venue.
- Be prepared to seek help but don't expect the festival and venue organisers to do everything.
- Keep actors focused on the task at hand.
LOCAL TheatreFest
- These are organised locally in accordance with the TheatreFest Conditions of Entry.
- Teams entering a Local TheatreFest competitively must be available, if selected, for the Regional TheatreFest and
- There is no limit to the number of presentations a group may enter at Local TheatreFest
- There is no limit to the number of presentations an Adjudicator, at a Local TheatreFest, can recommend advancing to a Regional TheatreFest, including recommending that no presentation go forward if none are of a sufficient standard.
- The maximum age for actors in a youth theatrical production is 21 years at the time of the Local The ages of the Director and crew are irrelevant.
- If a Local TheatreFest is not being held within a groups/school’s region or the group/school is not able, for whatever reason, to attend a local TheatreFest in their region, then they may enter a TheatreFest in another area but only with the consent of TheatreFest Advisor, or, they may have their presentation adjudicated at their own venue and be considered for selection to a Regional
For Local TheatreFest Organisers
- A Local TheatreFest is financed from audience ticket sales and if possible, locally raised funds.
- Local organisers are expected to cover costs – venue and equipment hire, publicity etc.
- Local organisers are not responsible for paying the adjudicator (this is the responsibility of TNZ from the entry fees) but they are responsible for the adjudicators travel and accommodation up to $400
- Anything over the $400 will be paid for by TNZ.
REGIONAL TheatreFest
- There are four Regional TheatreFests: two in the North Island, Upper and Lower and two in the South Island, Upper and Lower.
- A panel of two adjudicators from Local TheatreFest reassesses the Regional TheatreFest presentations and recommends 6 presentations to be invited to perform at ShowCase.
- The only adjudications at Regional TheatreFest are a team talk via Zoom within a week of the Regional TheatreFest and a written report.
- Show is a Festival of the top presentations that have come through TheatreFest.
- There will be six presentations invited by the Regional TheatreFests to be part of ShowCase.
- The TheatreFest Advisor will contact teams appearing at ShowCase to organise their participation.
Theatre New Zealand will apply for Performance Rights and pay any Royalty fees (if applicable) for all theatrical productions performing at the TheatreFest ShowCase.
The adjudicator will provide adjudication comments to the audience and will select winners of the awards on offer.
A few tips for teams and directors entering TheatreFest:
- All details of the TheatreFest venues will be sent as early as possible including stage measurements, lighting available, whether there is a sound system, purchase of tickets, accommodation options and all other relevant information regarding the particular If this information is not received, contact the TheatreFest National Co-ordinator who will be able to help.
- Please remember most venues are staffed by volunteers who have work commitments.
- Be prepared to streamline the presentations set when travelling to the next level.
- Give actors a break in the rehearsal process between locals and regionals, or they will go stale.
- Re-check lighting plot – don’t get too complicated. This causes more tension for teams than anything else. Lighting and sound cues are the priority at the venue tech and while the technical crew and director are doing a cue run, the actors should be testing voice levels at the same time and adjusting to the stage.
- Do ask where to put set, props etc and arrange to take them away the same night.
- Resist being overanxious. Each team will have an equitable technical rehearsal time at the venue.
- Remember, another team will be rehearsing before and after. Respect all time allocations.
Playmarket Phone: 04-382-8462 |
Play Bureau (NZ) Ltd Phone: 021-258-3998 |
APRA Phone: 09-623-4724 |
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