Region 4 for White Background Adrienne Hurley
Gisborne, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu, Whanganui Adrienne Hurley
Theatre New Zealand Executive
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Adrienne began her love of theatre at school and since then she has acted, directed and been involved backstage in too many productions to count.

She has been an active member of theatres in Matamata, Pahiatua, Invercargill, Christchurch, Hastings and Napier. Adrienne has also directed a number of shows at the schools she has taught in.

Community Theatre is a passion for Adrienne. She loves to be part of a production and the excitement
and feeling of achievement when in front of an audience is hard to beat.
She is currently Vice President of Napier Repertory Players where she is very proud to be a Life Member.


Click here for the TheatreFest Entry Form for Gisborne, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu, Whanganui

Click here for the Playmarket Award Entry Form

Click here for the Poster Exhibition Entry Form


Region 3 - Community Theatre Groups & Shows


Napier Repertory Players

Pahiatua Repertory Society