Region 4 for White Background Paul Percy
Nelson, Marlborough, Tasman Paul Percy
Theatre New Zealand Executive
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Paul has a strong background in theatre, particularly community theatre. He has worked in arts administration, as well as various roles in theatre including writing, directing, technical theatre, and management. Paul’s accomplishments extend to scenography. Paul's academic background includes holding a BA majoring in Theatre and English Literature and a Master of Fine Arts (Creative Practice) from Victoria University (2017-2021).

With over 40 years of professional activities in theatre and performance, Paul's expertise is extensive. His love of theatre began when he performed in Earth & Sky by Jenny McLeod in 1969 and then appeared regularly on stage as a chorus member for his local amateur theatre company and school beginning with Westside story in 1972.

Paul’s career includes international directing and playwriting assignments across all mediums of theatre throughout the Asia Pacific region. Paul has written two screen plays, two musicals in collaboration with Michael Vinten and over fifty Plays for youth. These plays have been performed in schools and community venues across New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, and Hong Kong.

Paul is a published playwright, represented in part by Playmarket NZ. Paul is the artistic director of Bacchus Theatre Trust, a New Zealand-based theatre charity, and a passionate advocate for Community and cultural theatre.


Click here for the TheatreFest Entry Form for Nelson, Marlborough, Tasman

Click here for the Playmarket Award Entry Form

Click here for the Poster Exhibition Entry Form

What’s Happening In March 2025?

Nelson Musical Theatre presents “A Night of Musical Theatre: Duets”Nelson Musical Theatre presents “A Night of Musical Theatre: Duets”. Performing on Friday 11th and Saturday 12th April 2025.

2025 02 R5 Picture1Country Players Wakefield presents Captain Corelli's MandolinCountry Players Wakefield presents Captain Corelli's Mandolin, set in wartime Greece, is our tribute to the sacrifices made during that conflict by people, young and old, locally and across the globe, and a reminder in our own troubled times that war is always the worst way to solve problems.  Come and see us bring World War Two to life at the Spring Grove Drill Hall from ANZAC Day, 25 April, to 3 May. 

Red Door Theatre - The Elephant in the Room, 11-13 March

Rampage – the true story of a drug fuelled adventure at Nelson Hospital, Naomi Strain (Whakatū Nelson), 6-7 March

2025 02 R5 Picture1One Act Play Auditions, The Boathouse Theatre, 27th May


Theatre New Zealand regional Festival Dates
TheatreFest Local, Marlborough Repertory Theatre, 12-13th July
TheatreFest Regional (5/6), Red Door Theatre Nelson, 23-24 August

Riverlea Theatre, Hamilton, 19-2st September

Keep up to Date Here:

Marlborough Repertory Theatre 

Nelson Repertory Theatre 

Nelson/Marlborough Theatre Scene on Facebook

Nelson Musical Theatre

Havelock Community Theatre