BackChat 46 1 Summer 2023 TitleThe title image of this edition is from the 2024 TheatreFest ShowCase:
Dramatix, South Canterbury – Child's Play, photo courtesy of Mark Perry

President's Message

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Theatre New Zealand
Message from the President

"For there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."
(Hamlet, Act 2 Scene 2)

Shakespeare points out that each experience presents an infinite number of interpretations. Your interpretation of each event determines whether it is positive or negative.

Theatre is an art dependent on community involvement. It takes a diverse ensemble with myriad talents and skills to create what we experience as audience members, whether it be good or bad. As I journeyed from meeting to meeting in the capital this week, I kept hearing disturbing comments about theatre/program closures and the misguided direction of funding in the arts. Our audiences…and art form…deserve nothing less than appropriate support in training and funding for our theatre makers, but I fear:

"Something is rotten in the state of Denmark."
(Marcellus, Act 1 Scene 4)

Looking back over the years, I am reminded that I have been privileged to work in community theatre since early childhood ( Earth & Sky, Jenny McLeod, 1969). By giving back, we strengthen our communities; in doing so, we are privileged to witness the ability to create an environment where we can tell our stories and experience the importance of exploring the diversity and culture surrounding us.

I was always taught that ‘professionalism’ in theatre is just a matter of attitude. It combines a work ethic, a willingness to learn, and a love for what we create together. Some may dismiss community theatre as ‘amateur’, meaning it can't be as good as ‘professional’ theatre. If I am not wrong, doesn’t the cast and crew embody a sense of professionalism? I think we all understand the root meaning of the word ‘amateur’—we do it for the love of it. We do this as an opportunity to work together to bring our stories to life, to impart an experience of truth and beauty to our community… our fellow meaning-makers. I like to call it ‘Leisure Time Theatre’ it’s what we do in our own time, and we are good at it.

Our theatre communities face many challenges, none more so than where are the volunteers? Where are the tech staff, designers, directors, backstage and front of house? We are not alone; our leading training institutions also suffer. It is said there are "no small parts, only small players" (Konstantin Stanislavski), meaning all the roles are important and worthy of honour in the making of theatre, from the lead actor to the person running "front of house". Without these staff, artists, technicians, and crew behind the scenes, the performance doesn't happen…it literally all falls down. They are often the unsung heroes in our theatre-making tradition, yet they deserve our applause and gratitude for their work.

Theatre New Zealand hopes that those of you who have been waiting to get involved in the theatre-making process will endorse what we consider a privilege of giving hope, encouragement, and service to our fellow thespians. If performing on stage isn't your thing, then we need people with talent and/or interest in costumes, set building, lights, sound, and management. We have skilled practitioners in all these areas who are willing and waiting to run workshops and teach our volunteers.
Do we need a kick up the arts? Theatre in New Zealand is in your hands. Let us determine how we accept the positives or negatives and get involved.

We have just released our strategic plan for the next 10 years; in doing so, we commit to increasing our efforts to ensure sustainable growth in our industry; we will bring local workshops and training opportunities to our regions.

We are committed in developing:

  • Age-group-appropriate festival opportunities both nationally and internationally.
  • Senior groups - Age on Stage.
  • More extensive theatre training programs.
  • More Children and Youth Theatre opportunities through supporting our NCEA standards with performance opportunities and international engagement through Secondary schools.  We propose affecting the following short-term opportunities
  • Host the AITA/IATA World Festival in Wellington 2027.
  • Have a team represent TNZ at the World Festival in Monaco 2025.
  • Have a team represent TNZ Youth in Brussels 2026.

PPercy“Noble patricians, patrons of my right, Defend the justice of my cause with arms.”
(Titus Andronicus, Act 1, Scene 1)

Nga Mihi

Paul Percy
President Theatre New Zealand


Theatre New Zealand needs a home.

Do you have space? With our ever-increasing collection of historical archives, trophies, banners, and wall-mounted honour boards, currently stored in spare rooms around the Motu, we need to secure a home location to house these historical items for storage and display. If you think you can help out and make space available for us, please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


 Strategic Plan

Click on any image to view

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Resignation of Mr. StevenStevenArnold Arnold

It is with regret that we announce the resignation of Steven from his role as Treasurer and Executive member of Theatre New Zealand as of November 2024

Steven has been a valued executive team member, contributing enormously to our strategic plans and festivals. I am also grateful for Steven's dedication and efforts as a festival coordinator and ANZDA member; both roles have played a significant part in the development of Theatre New Zealand.

While we are saddened to see Steven step down, we respect his decision and extend our sincere gratitude for his lengthy service. We wish Steven the very best in his future endeavours.

The executive would like to take this opportunity to announce that Mrs Marilyn Ollett will take on the role of Treasurer.

Paul Percy
President - Theatre New Zealand: Te Pūtoi Whakaari o Aotearoa


 Who is your TNZ Executive

Click here to view biographies of the Executive

Second National logo for Black Background


PPercyPaul Percy - Wairarapa
Region 5 Nelson, Marlborough and Tasman

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Blaise BarhamBlaise Barham - Dunedin

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Marilyn OllettMarilyn Ollett - Canterbury
Region 6 Canterbury and West Coast

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Toni SToni Sullivan - Taupō
Region 2 Taranaki, Waikato and Bay of Plenty

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Regional Executive

TamaSmith2Tama Smith
Education and Youth

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LaraBrownieLara Brownie - Auckland
Region 1 Northland and Auckland

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Toni SToni Sullivan - Taupō
Region 2 Taranaki, Waikato and Bay of Plenty

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Adrienne HurleyAdrienne Hurley - Hawkes Bay
Region 3 Manawatu, Hawkes Bay, Whanganui and Gisborne 

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Linda VoiceLinda Voice - Wairarapa
Region 4 Wairarapa, Wellington and Horowhenua

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PPercyPaul Percy
Region 5 Nelson, Marlborough and Tasman 

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Marilyn OllettMarilyn Ollett - Canterbury
Region 6 Canterbury and West Coast

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EricaWErica Ward - Otago
Region 7 Otago and Southland 

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MarkPerryMark Perry - Website Manager

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Kiri webKiri Riwai-Couch - Cultural Advisor

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JWL 2Jennifer Te Atamira Ward-Lealand

RawiriRawiri Paratene


Our Supporters

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 Dargaville to Monaco

 Click on image to view

Support our team today.
Link to givealittle page:

2025 02 Dargaville to Monaco web


 IATA Presidents Visit

Click on any image to view


2025 02 IATA Visit1We were honoured to welcome Mr Aled Rhys-Jones, President of AITA/IATA (International Amateur Theatre Association), to Wellington this week. Events Wellington, Tourism New Zealand, and your TNZ executive generously hosted the week. Mr Rhys-Jones spent his time visiting the capital's highlights and looking at potential Venues and accommodations for hosting the International Festival and Conference in 2027.

Our busy week included successful meetings with potential stakeholders and ministries surrounding this proposed event. The 2027 festival will be part of the 75th celebration of AITA/IATA, and it will be the first time this festival has been staged in the Southern Hemisphere.

2025 02 IATA Visit2Hence why, Theatre New Zealand's (TNZ) passion for theatre is not limited to our national borders. TNZ collaborates on various international projects and is a member of global partnerships. So, we are continuing to seek performance opportunities for our members and affiliated groups throughout NZ.

From Aled:
Our mission of: 'Understanding and Education through theatre', is no less relevant today than it was when we began in 1952. We encourage amateur theatre companies in New Zealand to continue making theatre and to continue to search for answers thro2025 02 IATA Visit4ugh cultural exchange and international participation: sharing our viewpoints and discussing both our similarities and our differences through theatre - celebrating the power of theatre to influence change and to bring about greater understanding.
Aled Rhys-Jones FRSA
AITA/IATA World President

You don't want to look back on your life and realize that you successfully managed to stay out of it.
(Robert Breault)

Paul Percy

This Is Your Opportunity To Get Involved Now!

  • This year, at TheatreFest, we are looking for two performances that would have the potential to represent us at the World IATA/AITA Festival held in Wellington in 2027.
  • We are also seeking a performance that we can nominate to join the Worlds Children's Festival in Antwerp, Belgium, in August 2026 for ages 14-18yrs.
  • Support Dargaville Little Theatre's representation of TNZ at the prestigious World Festival in Monaco.


 Age on Stage

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 TheatreFest Youth NCEA 

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 TheatreFest Dates

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 New Awards and Festival Structure 

Click on any image to view

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 Regional Round Up

Region 1

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Region 1 White Circle

 TheatreFest Entries open 1st March 2025, close 30th June 2025

 Click here for the TheatreFest Entry Form for Auckland and Northland

 Click here for the Playmarket Award Entry Form

 Click here for the Poster Exhibition Entry Form


No Stage Too Small

What a fantastic year ahead we have in the region with theatres gearing up for their first show seasons of the year, TheatreFest 2025 to prepare for, and a group to represent Aotearoa on a world stage in August. With the recent news that Dargaville Little theatre group ‘Out of Mind’ is to take the world stage in Monaco, I have been reflecting on the magnitude of this success, and what it took to get there.

Theatre performances start from passion, an internal flame burning to tell a story. It starts with an idea, a lightbulb moment, pen to paper, trial, error, and one heck of a robust cast that band together to bring a story to life. Throughout Aotearoa, we have many dinky theatres that are far more rich in history than space and equipment, that create art for the sole purpose of creating art. A world success coming from a tiny town in Northland proves that just as there is no part too small, there is no stage too small. It doesn’t matter what you do or don't have, it matters what you do with it. How can you bring your vision to life with the resources you have? Theatrefest is the ideal opportunity to put these ideas to a stage and have the opportunity to go further than your hometown. In theatre there is room for everyone of any age with any story to tell.

Coming up in the Region…

Howick Little Theatre– ‘Renovations for Six’ 22 Feb-15 March
Dolphin Theatre in Auckland– ‘Murdered to Death’ 28 Feb-15 March
Whangarei Theatre Company– ‘Aladdin Jr’ 25 March-5 April
Otamatea Repertory Theatre– ‘Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Jr’ Dates TBC
Dargaville Little Theatre– ‘Chicago’ Further info and dates TBC

Lara Brownie
Region 1 Representative
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 Region 2

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Region 2 White Circle

 TheatreFest Entries open 1st March 2025, close 30th June 2025

 Click here for the TheatreFest Entry Form for Waikato, Boy of Plenty, Taranaki

 Click here for the Playmarket Award Entry Form

 Click here for the Poster Exhibition Entry Form

Toni S

Even with the summer break there has been no rest for the creatives from Region 2! It is wonderful to see all the productions that are coming along.

Centre Stage Taupo has an improvisation workshop on the 15th of March with Leona Revell and Alan Dingley.

16th Avenue Theatre in Tauranga are underway with rehearsals for their production of "The Vagina Monologues" starting on the 25th of March and they have other works like "The Private War of Corporal Cooper". Exciting

Summer Shakespeare in Tauranga is in full swing with this years production of Romeo and Juliet at the Te Puna Quarry. Such a fabulous venue and cast! while Tauranga musical theatre and deep in rehearsals and dancing their socks off for their upcoming production of "The Prom" starting on April 25th.

Rotorua Musical Theatre have already got a sell out season of Sound of Music on their hands! 6 weeks before the show even hits the stage, well done! And if you missed out on tickets to that Rotorua Little Theatre have cast their play "Things I know to be true", a fabulous script tackling family dynamics in a real and moving way. Can't wait to see this on the boards!!

2025 02 R2 Picture1Hamilton Playbox have Gangsta Granny in the Hamilton Arts Festival while also being deep in rehearsals for "James and the Giant Peach" starting on the 26th of March. Hamilton Musical Theatre have just completed the Lion King Junior, with "In the Heights" already in auditions. I can't wait to see all these fabulous productions this year.

Putaruru Theatre Players have just held auditions for "New clothes for the Empress" check them out on facebook for production dates.

Hawera Repertory society are tackling the extraordinary play "Sister Anzac" which will be on the stage in April, while New Plymouth Little Theatre are putting the finishing touches on "Agatha Crusty and the Village Hall Murders".

It is heartening to see many theatres of all sizes tackling these wonderful plays, not only for the benefit of their members but also for the communities they live in. No matter what anyone tells you, with the efforts of our wonderful volunteers, theatre is alive and well. We see you, we notice and we applaud you for all you do.

Carpe Diem

Toni Sullivan
Region 2 Representative
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 Region 3

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Region 3 White Circle
dreamstimefree 5129365

ID 5129365  © Ulisse |

Adrienne Hurley
Region 3 Representative
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 Region 4

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Region 4 White Circle

 TheatreFest Entries open 1st March 2025, close 30th June 2025

 Click here for the TheatreFest Entry Form for Wellington, Wairarapa, Horowhenua

 Click here for the Playmarket Award Entry Form

 Click here for the Poster Exhibition Entry Form

Linda Voice

Many Happenings around the region. In Masterton MTC have sold the Majestic Theatre. Home to many great shows in the past. They are packing it up and moving gear to Harlequin theatre. Plans are afoot for a new performing space. Watch this space.

MTC have a play in Masterton in the making.To be performed in May ,Death and Taxes by April Phillips.

Also in the Wairarapa Greytown Little Theatre have “Blue Murder at Bluestone Hall a.” a murder mystery at the offering in Greytown Mid march.

Wairarapa Theatre Group Youth Group has started with a bang. 25 youth gathering and creating on Friday nights in Masterton. Full production in the works for Sept this year.


Also in the Wellington Region

KAT Theatre.

Ahoy, me hearties! Join the Sea Captain and his First Mate for an ocean adventure in this year's 25th-anniversary Play in the Park.
🎭The Man Whose Mother was a Pirate by Tim Bray, adapted from Margaret Mahy's book
🏞Khandallah Park (Cochran Hall if wet or too windy)
⏰1.30 and 3.30pm on 15, 16, 22 and 23 February
🎟No booking necessary; entry by koha
* Elena Rhodes




Curious about auditioning for Stagecraft’s next show? Click below to find out more and sign up for an audition slot for The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - Auditions 22nd and 23rd February

The show is planned for 30th April till 10th May.



Wellington Rep.

Dial M for Murder running at the Gryphon 21-31 May. Auditions on 2 Mar at Toi Poneke. Looking forward to seeing you there.


Kapiti Playhouse are in rehearsal for a firm favorite Nunsense planned for April 2025.


2025 02 R4 Picture1Hutt Repertory Theatre have just announced the huge cast for 'You've Ruined a Perfectly Good Mystery!' 2 - 12 APRIL

Tickets on sale soon .

Mana Little theatre presents 21 minutes. This hilarious original comedy is coming up next at MLT, tickets on sale soon!

Another cool get together recently was a Sword fighting workshop in preparation for Wellington Repertory theatre production of Shakespeare In Love opening on 19 March at the Gryphon Theatre.


Another exciting production in the works.

Cyclorama Productions NZ

Southern Hemisphere premiere of In the Green! The cast has been announced and boy are they a talented bunch of Wahine.

They cannot wait to bring this powerhouse team to audiences in April at the iconic BATS Theatre.


Last but not least visit Fringe Festival online and see the amazing acts visiting in and around the Wellington Region.


Keep an eye out for many other events in and around the region.

Yours in Theatre.

Linda Voice
Region 4 Representative
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 Region 5

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Region 5 White Circle
202411 your name hereWhat’s Happening In March 2025?

Nelson Musical Theatre presents “A Night of Musical Theatre: Duets”Nelson Musical Theatre presents “A Night of Musical Theatre: Duets”. Performing on Friday 11th and Saturday 12th April 2025.

2025 02 R5 Picture1Country Players Wakefield presents Captain Corelli's MandolinCountry Players Wakefield presents Captain Corelli's Mandolin, set in wartime Greece, is our tribute to the sacrifices made during that conflict by people, young and old, locally and across the globe, and a reminder in our own troubled times that war is always the worst way to solve problems.  Come and see us bring World War Two to life at the Spring Grove Drill Hall from ANZAC Day, 25 April, to 3 May. 

Red Door Theatre - The Elephant in the Room, 11-13 March

Rampage – the true story of a drug fuelled adventure at Nelson Hospital, Naomi Strain (Whakatū Nelson), 6-7 March

One Act Play Auditions, The Boathouse Theatre, 27th May


Theatre New Zealand regional Festival Dates2025 02 R5 Picture1
TheatreFest Local, Marlborough Repertory Theatre, 12-13th July
TheatreFest Regional (5/6), Red Door Theatre Nelson, 23-24 August

Riverlea Theatre, Hamilton, 19-2st September

Keep up to Date Here:

Marlborough Repertory Theatre 

Nelson Repertory Theatre 

Nelson/Marlborough Theatre Scene on Facebook

Nelson Musical Theatre

Havelock Community Theatre

Paul Percy
Region 5 Representative
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 Region 6

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Region 6 White Circle

 TheatreFest Entries open 1st March 2025, close 30th June 2025

 Click here for the TheatreFest Entry Form for Canterbury, Buller West Coast

 Click here for the Playmarket Award Entry Form

 Click here for the Poster Exhibition Entry Form

Marilyn Ollett

What’s on March/April/May

My apologies if I have missed anyone out!

Christchurch and Selwyn

  • Brick Rd Productions - Carrot and Women Only by David Tristram, Hubble Bubble by Marilyn Ollett
  • Canterbury Children’s Theatre - Alice and the Jabberwocky – adapted by Michael Woods
  • Canterbury Repertory Society - Killer Boobs by Tim Hambleton
  • CentreStage Rolleston – The Wedding Singer (musical)
  • Dramasoc - The Servant of Two Masters
  • Elmwood Players - Hold the Arsenic by Marilyn Ollett
  • Kirwee Players – Auditions for The Wizard of Oz
  • Riccarton Players - The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time by Simon Stephens

South Canterbury

  • South Canterbury Drama League – The Secret Lives of Extremely Old People by Rachel McAlpine
  • Waimate Theatre Company - The Sound of Music

North Canterbury

  • North Canterbury Musical Society – Catch Me if You Can (musical)

And don’t forget to get your Theatrefest entries in!

Local Theatrefest:

  • Christchurch – Rangi Ruru Girl’s School – 2/3 August
  • Timaru – The Playhouse – 16/17 August
  • West Coast - venue tbc – 26 July

Get in touch if you have any questions: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Maz Ollett
Region 6 Representative
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 Region 7

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Region 7 White Circle
2025 02 R7 Picture1Congratulations to Kim Morgan and her talented cast of The Comedy of Errors for a fantastic production as part of Dunedin Summer Shakespeare! It was an absolute delight to sit in the park and experience the magic of live theatre in such a beautiful setting. The energy, humour, and commitment from the cast brought Shakespeare’s classic comedy to life, making for an unforgettable evening of entertainment. A huge well done to everyone involved in bringing this wonderful production to the Dunedin community!
2025 02 R7 Picture2 2025 02 R7 Picture3

Best wishes to all the nominees for the Dunedin Theatre Awards! It is truly inspiring to see such a high level of talent and dedication being recognised within our local theatre community. The passion and hard work that goes into every performance, production, and creative contribution make Dunedin’s theatre scene something special. Congratulations to all those nominated—you are a testament to the vibrancy and excellence of theatre in our city!

2025 02 R7 Picture4The countdown to Dunedin Fringe Festival 2025 (13-23 March) — it is the 25th birthday This year’s poster is as stunning as ever AND our full online programme is officially live!
That means tickets are on sale NOW — don’t miss your chance to experience the incredible performances and events coming to Ōtepoti this March.
Check out the full programme and grab your tickets here: 

Erica Ward
Region 7 Representative
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 Doug Clark Obituary

2025 02 Doug ClarkeMy first memory of Doug would be through the BDL Festivals, held in the beautiful old Repertory Theatre in Christchurch. Doug was always mindful of people around him. In his first Backchat Editorial in Jan1989 he paid a heartfelt tribute to Tara and Alex Henderson, and Hunter Bell, all of whom played an enormous role in developing so many Christchurch theatre folk. On a National level he also acknowledged Olga Harding, a wonderful theatre doyen, whose bequest is still serving through the Drama Development Trust. Doug and I did not work together in any plays but we competed against each other, and the convivial atmosphere around the annual ‘Festival Bar’ run by the formidable trio of Doug, David Brocket and Sullivan, still live on as some of my happiest memories from early festivals.

Much has been written and spoken about Doug’s Festival plays over the years but the absolute highlight for me was ‘Christie in Love’ by Howard Brenton. Not just for a brilliant production in every respect, but for the ripples of discussion, the arguments and letters to the Editor that resulted from his festival presentation in Nelson. Despite a clear warning in the programme that content/langue may offend, there was even a walk out during the presentation and a protest in the foyer to try to stop the show.

Betty Yang, writing in The Oxford Student (U.K.) in 2017, said of Christie in Love: “ . . . Not an experience for the faint-hearted. . . . It is hard to bring to stage a play that is not supposed to be enjoyed, that makes the audience think a little bit too hard and a little bit too much on topics normally unthinkable.” In this case an historical serial killer and necrophiliac.

Doug was far from faint-hearted in directing this in 1985. The play did go on to National Finals in Whangarei, but sadly the lack of subtle lighting in a raked auditorium detracted from the overall effect of the play.

Through his beloved Riccarton Players Doug engaged in Festival organisation, acting and stage-direction from around the early ‘70s. As a director, he continued to be an avid participant in Festivals and in recent years wrote his own plays specifically for entry into TheatreFest. The last entry I saw of Doug’s was ‘Pearls’ (about Juliet Hulme/Pauline Parker) at Upper South Island Regional final in Blenheim. The script was placed 2nd in the Playmarket Playwriting competition. Last year, 2024, his entry was Hickory, Dickory Dock but unfortunately, he had to withdraw from the local TheatreFest due to one of his cast taking ill. The script was highly commended in the Playmarket Playwriting competition.

Doug was keenly aware of the need for good administration to maintain a vibrant organisation. As well as being a delegate to Theatre Federation for Canterbury District back in 1987, Doug was engaged in the enormous task of transitioning the May Ives Library from Wellington to Lichfield Street in Christchurch where he became the librarian. Doug edited Backchat from1989 – 1995 and was also appointed Executive Officer in1991, a role he fulfilled enthusiastically until 1995 when a reorganisation of NZTF made the position redundant.

Theatre was Doug’s passion as long as I have known him. His wide network of friends and colleagues was evident through his creative Facebook birthday greetings. He was enormously proud of his richly deserved QSM for services to theatre. Theatre and words go together and in recent months he and I enjoyed comparing Wordle results, although and rightly so, it was his grandchildren who took centre stage.

But now, come Festival time each year, I am sure, Doug will join David and Max to raise a glass, to look down and debate, deliberate and compare the values of the ever-changing spectrum of TheatreFest plays.

Pam Logan, KSM
Past President
Life member.


The Play Bureau


ThePlayBureauSearchPage20 Rua St
Gisborne, 4010
New Zealand

Phone: 021-258-3998

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm




 2023 Playmarket 46 1 50thLogo

2025 V48E1 Playmarket Picture1romeojuliet@twilight by Geraldine Brophy (5f, 6m) One Act
Romeo and his old friend Mercutio are independent Villa residents. Juliet is a permanent assisted-care resident with early onset dementia. Juliet and Romeo fall in love and wish to marry, spending their twilight years together. Juliet’s granddaughter, Lady Capulet, is concerned for her grandmother so late in life, and seeks to end the relationship. Paris, an elder law specialist, is hired by Lady Capulet to persuade Juliet to sign power of attorney over to her before her dementia becomes worse. If she insists on her relationship with Romeo, she will be moved to another complex. Juliet and her Romeo cannot face separation from each other and choose to remain forever joined in death.

The Write Stuff by Greg McGee (2m) Full Length
A writer and a banker, both Boomers and consummate liars with troubled histories, make a last-ditch attempt for money and redemption through a screenplay: and accidentally achieve the perfect ironic ending.

Breakdown by Craig Thaine (2m) Full Length
Jamie is home alone in the historic cottage he shares with his partner, Brett, just outside Queenstown. It’s a rainy September afternoon in 1995. His day is interrupted by Luke, a creative director at an advertising agency in Auckland. Luke is down in Queenstown for a few days to escape Auckland. His rental car has broken down. He knocks on Jamie’s door and asks to use the phone to call for assistance.
What’s the real purpose of Luke’s visit? The more they find out about each other, the more their suspicions deepen below the surface of their conversation.
Breakdown explores the way we tell stories about ourselves. Is narrative a smoke screen? Or is it maybe like a virus infecting the truth?

2025 V48E1 Playmarket Picture2The Birthday Boy by Carl Nixon (3f, 2m) Full Length
A contemporary comedy of modern manners, following two couples and the life choices they make over 25 years. What happens to friendships when life takes the friends in completely different directions?
David and Kathy and Stuart and Elizabeth – all friends since school – seemingly have it all, but when Kathy announces she is pregnant on her husband’s 40th birthday, the foursome’s decades of elegant dinner parties and holidays come to an end.
“Nixon paints the to-have-or not-to-have-children choice in many shades of grey with the odd splash of black and white. There are no right or wrong choices in life, his play suggests, only choices.” Faith Oxenbridge in The Listener

Art Theft by Kerry Jimson (2f, 4m) Full Length
Art meets farce when bumbling bank-robbing brothers Dwayne and Connor kidnap art curator Jeremy to effect a getaway from a bungled heist. Jeremy recognises Connor’s artistic gift and catapults him to stardom while Dwayne takes the rap for the botched robbery. On his ascent, Connor has an affair with an art patron whose jealous husband coerces Jeremy to bump off the artist. They all collide at a birthday party for the now-free Dwayne, where double-crossers double cross themselves. Art is the winner on the day.

Benedict Cumberbatch Must Die by Abby Howells (3f) Full Length
A control-freak actor, a sex-crazed celebrity obsessive and a socially phobic fan fiction writer have one thing in common: Benedict Cumberbatch. When they hear that Holmes/Kahn/Smaug is making a trip to New Zealand, they devise a show in the hope he will come and see it and fall in love with me, I mean, them. Definitely them.

2025 V48E1 Playmarket Picture3Charles Darwin: Collapsing Creation by Arthur Meek (1f, 4m) Full Length
Commissioned to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the publication of On the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin: Collapsing Creation is a full-length drama about a visionary man who must battle his body and mind to gain the courage to change the world - and the strength to face the consequences.  Darwin’s study at Down House becomes the hothouse in which his theory is generated. The many people in his life are collapsed into four fully-rounded, composite characters who embody the various personalities influencing his actions.  Over the course of a morning, noon and night representing the passage of forty years, Darwin must overcome his conscience, fear and collapsing body to change science, thought and ultimately the world.

2025 V48E1 Playmarket Picture4Nicola Cheeseman is Back by Kathryn Burnett (1f) Full Length
Nicola’s life has not turned out the way she expected. She’s struggling with aging and the dynamic, younger Nicola she used to be has long since disappeared under the weight of a disappointing marriage, children, pets and elder care. So when she finally moves her mother-in-law into a rest home, she decides this is the perfect time to get her life back.


With a subscription to Playmarket, most manuscripts of plays are available for free download from our website. A subscription costs only $45 annually for full access to download unlimited different scripts: Subscribe here.
Published scripts must be purchased in hardcopy from our bookshop.
To request any plays and/or musicals, contact Īhaka Martyn
Script Coordinator / Kairuruku Whakaari: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





Adjudicator: Lynda Chanwai-Earle


1. Only members of PANZ may enter the competition. Membership is open to any person who lives in New Zealand or is a New Zealander. The annual membership fee is $30. To join, see:
2. There is no additional entry fee for the competition.
3. A member may submit one 10-Minute Play (7 to 10 minutes running time)
4. The name of the author(s) and/or their contact details must not appear anywhere on the script.
5. The play must not have been performed in front of a paying audience before the play was submitted.
6. Each writer may choose to enter either the Emerging Playwright category or the Open category.
Examples of Emerging Playwright:
• Hasn’t won or been placed in any playwriting competition
• Self-identifies as an inexperienced playwright


Entries open 1 April 2025 and close 30 April 2025.

Send entries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the script as an attachment. In the email, include your chosen Category (Emerging Playwright or Open) and your author name as you would like it to appear in credits.


Emerging Playwright:
1st prize: $100

1st prize: $100
2nd prize: $50

All entries will receive brief feedback.
Competition Registrar: Kerrie Anne Spicer


 Musical Theatre NZ 

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Time to renew your membership

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Membership forms for the 2025 year are now here!

By joining Theatre New New Zealand you are supporting the growth of Community Theatre.

TNZ is an umbrella organisation so you will have access to a wide range of theatre expertise from advice on funding avenues and copyright to advice on technical issues associated with theatre. A nation-wide TheatreFest is held annually, giving you the opportunity to receive informed adjudications that will help directors and actors alike.

Quarterly, you will receive Backchat a newsletter that will keep you up to date as to what members are doing around the country.

Click here.


 Hāpai/Backchat, February March April 2025, Volume 48 Issue 1

Copyright © Theatre New Zealand 2025

Compiled by Mark Perry
Edited and Guided by Paul Percy, Anna McKay & Toni Sullivan

Deadline for Autumn/Winter edition of Hāpai/Backchat
20 April 2025

Communications to
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